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Photo Sharing. For Everyone

pix.pifferi.io, based upon Pixelfed, is an image sharing platform and an ethical alternative to centralized platforms. This instance is built with the focus on Scandinavia, people from there and friends and visitors of Scandinavian countries.


  1. Sexually explicit or violent media is not allowed here.
  2. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia or casteism will be tolerated here.
  3. Don't share incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies!
  4. No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users here!
  5. No posting of content illegal in Germany.
  6. Do not share intentionally false or misleading information or fancy wannabe-influencer-stuff (no "Picture-service-by-Meta-reloaded", please!).
  7. Accept the reasons why people turn their back on other, similar Social Media.
  8. Embrace the Fediverse. It's worth it!
  9. Feel free to ask or contact the admin in case you encounter any issue with this instance!
  10. Empty accounts with no contents and non Pixelfed-related business links (SPAM) will be shut down within 30 days to maintain the original idea behind an active community!
  11. ... and finally: Raise your horns for brave fallen friends - we will meet in Valhalla again!

For more information, please review our Terms of Use

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1 people have shared 970 photos and videos on Pixelfed!